5 Types of Video Content That Will Keep Your Viewers Engaged 

When it comes to video content, there are endless possibilities. But not all types of video content are created equal – some will keep your viewers more engaged than others. In this blog post, we will discuss five types of video content that tend to be more engaging for viewers, as well as tips on how entrepreneurs and founders can create their videos using these formats!

The Interview
The first type of video content will keep your viewers engaged in the interview. This could be a formal sit-down interview with someone in your industry or a more casual conversation between you and another entrepreneur. Either way, interviews are a great way to engage your viewers because they provide valuable information while giving the audience a chance to get to know you and your business better.

To make sure your interview is engaging, prepare well in advance and have a list of questions you want to ask. You should also try to keep the conversation flowing by being natural and personable – let your personality shine through!

This could be a tour of your office or factory or a day in the life of you or one of your employees. Behind-the-scenes footage gives your audience a peek into what it’s like to work at your company and helps them feel more connected to you and your business.

To make sure your behind-the-scenes footage is engaging, be sure to keep it interesting and informative. Don’t just show the same thing over and over again – try to mix things up and give your viewers various insights into your company.

Customer Testimonials
These are short videos (usually under 60 seconds) where your customers talk about their experience with your product or service. Customer testimonials are a great way to build trust with your audience, and they can also be very persuasive in convincing others to try your product or service.

To ensure your customer testimonials are engaging, choose articulate customers with positive things to say about your business. You should also edit the videos so that they’re concise and to the point – no one wants to watch a long, rambling testimonial!

These are videos where you show your audience how to do something, whether using your product or service or a more general task. How-to videos are a great way to engage your audience because they provide valuable information while showing off your expertise.

To make sure your how-to videos are engaging, be sure to keep them clear and concise. It would be best if you also used visuals to help illustrate the points you’re trying to make – people are more likely to watch a visually appealing video.

These videos are designed purely for entertainment value, and they can be anything from funny sketches to music videos. Entertainment videos are a great way to engage your audience because they provide a break from the more serious types of content and can also help build brand awareness.

To make sure your entertainment videos are engaging, be sure to choose a topic that is popular and relevant to your audience. You should also keep the video short – no one wants to watch a 20-minute music video!

Start with why
While these videos will certainly engage your viewers, don’t forget to think about why you’re making them in the first place. That starts with a solid strategy; without that, you’re just making content for the sake of content.


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